I am very happy that the ladies seem to have taken to the turkey tee-pee almost immediately! The day after I installed it they scratched all of the leaves out of it, and in front of the pallet was an egg. Whether the egg was laid in the tee-pee and scratched out with the leaves, or was laid out in the open, I don't know. I replaced the leaves, but they were scratched back out again. I have not found another egg laid out in the open though! Every day I find two or three eggs laid directly on the feed bag lined pallet. I have added more leaves several times but they just don't seem to have gotten the idea that they belong in the tee-pee! Either way, it is a success! I even saw two of the ladies (Tawny and Tallow) in the tee-pee at the same time. Most of the toms don't seem to be interested in going into the nesting area at all and every egg has been in perfect shape. I have, however, caught one of the toms in the tee-pee sitting on an egg! I have read that sometimes toms will sit on eggs, but I never expected to see it! Something even more unexpected than that happened when I let the turkeys out to range today. Einstein, my Easter Egger rooster, ran into the turkey coop after the turkeys left. Tabby was still in the tee-pee tending to the egg she had just laid. To my surprise, Einy hopped on Tabby's back and tried to have his way with her! Tabby hopped up and ran out of the coop, with Einstein riding on her back the entire way! Quite the adventure! He was taking advantage of the tee-pee working as well! I love when my frugal ideas work out this well! Who says you can't get something for nothing?!
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