Monday, March 23, 2015

Where is the time going?

 It certainly isn't sticking around here as long as I feel it should be. It is almost April! I still haven't moved the cool season plants out of the greenhouse and planted the summer plants. It is funny how my brain tends to jump directly from "Its early yet... you still have time." to "Wait, What?! Really? How am I so far behind?!" In my defense, I haven't stopped trying to get things done and lazed around. Other stuff just always gets in the way and steals my time. The plants in my greenhouse are growing fast. And seeming to multiply...

 My parents brought me this cutting of a tree limb that they said grew the flowers that the Hawaiian leis are made out of. They got it from family in Florida over Christmas and brought it to me when they visited for New Years. It has been sitting on my grow shelf wrapped in a damp paper towel and aluminum foil since then. I put it in dirt about a week ago and look! Brand new leaves and what looks like it will be a new flower! Plants are amazing things.

I thought this HUGE tree frog was pretty amazing too. I love frogs!
 The onions are doing nicely. The chickens have been "trimming" the peas I planted at the bottom of the trellis. They haven't managed to reach the fence yet because of it. Those chickens really make me consider penning them in sometimes...
The peach tree has so many blooms! I'm not sure this little tree can handle this many peaches. I need to remember to hang some lye soap on these soon. I must defeat the fireants and claim all the fresh peaches as mine this year! (insert evil laugh here)
 The blueberry bushes also have a ridiculous amount of blooms on them. This year, like the last few, I was worried that we had pruned the bushes a bit too much and they wouldn't do well. Once again I am relieved to say, that is not the case. Bees are buzzing around everywhere! I inserted a video below. Sorry for the low quality. The dull roar you hear in the back ground is not someone mowing their yard. It is the sound of the hundreds of bees buzzing around.
 One of the things on my to-do list. The turkey hoop coop has seen better days. I only have two turkeys left (Yellow and Tabby), both of which have completely refused to sleep in the coop. So here it sits, falling apart and creating a huge eye-sore. I have to dismantle it. Some of the old wire fencing will go to encircle the strawberry patch. The black gold that has accumulated there will fertilize my gardens. Perhaps I should plant corn or something here this summer once it is down? Definite possibility. Now to try to accomplish something before the little guy wakes up.

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