Monday, August 4, 2014

Full Term

I was 37 weeks pregnant yesterday which is considered full term. It is still 20 days from my due date. It seems all I think about anymore is the impending arrival of my munchkin. Of course a lot of it is that I am excited to meet the little guy that has been kicking me for so many months. Part of it is also partially because I am anxious about the birth. Keegan was born via emergency c-section and this time I am going to attempt a VBAC. I know it is going to be hard and painful and so I just kinda really want to get it over with. I like to just jump into difficult or intensive projects, but I don't have much control over the timing of this one. So, I am attempting to pass the time doing things around here. 

We have a new fence charger! It is hooked up to the garden. Brad and I got the pig feeder and waterer in place. We still need some attachments to hook the waterer up. I also need to put the fencing up to separate the unplanted section of garden off. That will only take a few minutes. We should be getting the piglets within the week! I'm excited! 

The cucumbers are pretty much done for the year. I think that they succumbed to wilt. The electric fence has been keeping the roosters out of the garden but the hens go right under it. Maybe once the pigs are here the hens will be more interested in stealing pig feed than destroying my vegetables and scratching up the mulch. I'm debating whether I should tear up the dying cucumber plants and burn them or just leave them to rot in place. 

I managed to get the flower gardens weedeated and mulched. The looks so nice. It pleases me greatly. I really need to work on the small garden next. Today I think I am going to stick to getting a bunch of bread baking, cooking, and cleaning done. It will be nice to have "sitting around" food for all of us to grab for the next few days. At the moment Keegan is piddling around in the kitchen and I am hearing odd noises that sound suspiciously like cleaning. I guess stranger things have happened. I am just going to be very quiet and not make any sudden movements that might spook him for the next little bit. Who knows what I might find when I go in there... 

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